Tag Archives: unix

Unix / Linux: Concatenate Multiple Files

unix linux
Learn how to concatenate multiple text or binary files into a single file on Unix / Linux. Also learn how to append the contents of a file to the end of another file or concatenate the same file to itself multiple times.

Unix / Linux: Find and Delete Zero Byte Files

unix linux
Explains how to find and delete zero byte size files using the find command on Unix and Linux. Also explains how to delete files only in the current directory using maxdepth and prune options.

Unix / Linux: Delete File with Special Characters

unix linux

Objective: Delete a file with names that contain spaces and/or special characters such as hyphen (-), semicolon (;), ampersand (&), dollar sign ($), question mark (?), asterisk (∗), etc.

Unix / Linux: Extract Tar File with Absolute Path

unix linux

Objective: Extract a tar file with absolute path to a relative or different path. For example, if a tar arahive contains the file /etc/hosts, it has to be extracted to /home/user/etc/hosts instead.