Facebook E-Mail Address for Engineering Puzzles Submission

Have you tried the Engineering Puzzles found on Facebook ? You not only need to solve the puzzle but you will also need to decode the e-mail address ({0xFACEB00C>>2 in decimal}@fb.com) that is used for the submission of the answers for the various puzzles.

If you send an e-mail to that address as it is, it will most probably bounce back. You will need to decode that piece of information.

  1. 0x – means that FACEB00C is to be interpreted as hexadecimal code.

    0xFACEB00C is 11111010110011101011000000001100 in binary.

  2. >>2 – means that a right bit shift operation has to be performed twice.

    11111010110011101011000000001100 bit-shifted twice to the right becomes 111110101100111010110000000011

  3. in decimal – so we convert our result to decimal, which is 1051962371

There, we got the result. The e-mail address to send your results is 1051962371@fb.com. I really wonder how many spam mails would they get in a day!

ibrahim = { interested_in(unix, linux, android, open_source, reverse_engineering); coding(c, shell, php, python, java, javascript, nodejs, react); plays_on(xbox, ps4); linux_desktop_user(true); }