Shell Script: Check Leap Year December 5th, 2015 Objective: Use a shell script to read a year and check whether it is a leap year or not.
Find Whois Server for Domain November 29th, 2015 Objective: Find the whois server for a particular domain or TLD (top-level domain).
IP Address to AS Number Lookup November 22nd, 2015 Objective: Perform BGP AS (Autonomous System) number lookup based on IP address using traceroute or whois.
Unix / Linux: Change File Owner from One User to Another November 14th, 2015 Objective: Change ownership of all files belonging to a given user, within a targeted directory, to another specified user on Unix / Linux.
Linux: Assign Process to CPU Core October 4th, 2015 Objective: On SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing) systems, override the Linux kernel’s process scheduling and bind a certain process to a specific CPU or core.
Unix / Linux: Run Command with Timeout September 27th, 2015 Objective: Execute / Run a command and kill it if it’s still running after a specified duration on Unix / Linux.
Linux: Disable Ping / ICMP Replies September 20th, 2015 Objective: Disable ping replies or drop ICMP packets of type 0 (echo reply) on Linux.
Linux: Create /dev/tcp Device September 13th, 2015 Objective: On Linux, create /dev/tcp character device if it’s missing or if it’s not enabled by default.
Unix / Linux: Rename Multiple Files September 6th, 2015 Objective: Rename multiple files in a directory on Unix or Linux.
Android: Sniff HTTP / HTTPS Traffic Without Root August 30th, 2015 Objective: Sniff and intercept HTTP/HTTPS traffic sent from an Android device (phone or tablet) that does not have root access.